Colesberg was the most prominent Karoo town in the Anglo-Boer War, with intense activity between November 1899 and February 1900. The Boers occupied Colesberg on 14 November 1899. Numerous intense skirmishes took place within a radius of 25 km from Colesberg.
See the Themes Page, for the Colesberg Campaign for more fascinating details!
Suffolk Hill (or "Grassy Hill")
Suffolk Hill is located about 5 km west of Colesberg, on the Petrusville road. On the 5th January, Colonel Watson of the Suffolks received permission from General French to launch a night attack,which went disastrously wrong. Instead of a surprise attack on some sleeping Boers, the Burghers had been reinforced. The Suffolk losses were heavy - 36 men died and almost 200 were captured or wounded. Captain Watson was killed in the field. On the Boer side, 8 burghers died and 17 were wounded.
The Colesberg Kemper Museum
Start your visit to Colesberg by visiting the local museum (follow the link for a YouTube clip), which portrays the many historical phases and cultural groups in Colesberg. The museum, situated in the central part of the town, has a useful display on the Anglo Boer War. For more information, click here, and indicated on the MAP.
The British and Boer cemeteries, side by side
A separate British and Boer cemetery is located at the northern entrance of the town, alongside the N1. The entrance is from Station Road (the R58 road which leads to Noupoort).
Enemies who shot at each other are now lying peacefully near one another - the pathos of war!

Boer sangars (shelters)

The first journalist killed in the war
